Wednesday, 27 August 2014

FP de Beer, youngest brother of Karel J de Beer

Fonnie is the nick name of Floris Petrus de Beer on the far left of the photograph. Sanmar'e, daughter of Karel on the far right, stands in the center with her three daughters, Elri'e, San"e and Lourine Schlebusch on the hip.  Fonnie paid a quick visit to the family while working in Bloemfontein.  He and his wife, Helene, lives in Pretoria. Their daughter, An'e and ther two grand children also live with her parents and work from their home together with brother Tinus de Beer.  Their brother, Neil de Beer and his family lives in Australia.

Floris Petrus derives from our mother's father's brother side, Floris Petrus Pelser, who died of the great flue pestilence in South Africa in 1918 / 1919. He was Grand Father Petrus Cornelius Pelser's youngest brother who died from the great epidemic flue virus.

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