Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Polokwane Bella Bella and Pretoria high way nightmare

A Friday and a Sunday evening, the most dangerous route between Pretoria and Polokwane  is the most dangerous to use in southern  Africa!!! Reckless drivers switch to the middle grass lane (read open space separating the two direction tarred roads) and even use the opposite lane against oncoming traffic!!!The dust , caused by this illegal driving, force traffic to slow down to a minimum speed because of the poor visibility... Out of the dust appears headlights coming from the wrong direction !  Lunatics use the open space between the yellow line to skip the halted ques. This situation OF BUMPER TO BUMPER TRAFFIC AND A STREAM OF ONCOMING HEADLIGHTS LASTS FOR 15 KILOMETRES OR MORE...

Where are the traffic officers that anxiously write out fines for speeding or minor offences during day time from Tuesday to Thursdays.??? One should imagine a helicopter with spot lights and night vision cameras and loudspeakers that could be used to enforce traffic rules.  However, it seems to be a one for all and all for one situation...survivor of the most daring drivers !!!!

Thursday, 27 June 2013


My DNA leads back to the Southern Parts of Russia and the Northern Parts of Germany respectively,  My friend, Diwwie de Beer's links refer back to the Ladoga lake in Russia while the rest of the tracks move via Poland to towards the lower parts of ancient Europe. The German links specifically in my family roots are evident in quite a number of traces as dealt in my earlier publications, however, I am eager to receive comments on the name "URSUS".

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Ben De Beer of Tjokkies


(Photo 1) Pieter turns 65 years of age and is due for retirement.

(Photo 2) Swallows return on time to renovate their little muddy nest underneath Pieter's house in Strydom Street no 6, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein. He has to assist his special guests of feather from far in Africa to keep their dwelling intact with cable ties...  

(Photo 3)  Pieter with Ma Meisie, Sister Annemarie Broderick (nee de Beer) and brother Ben (Barend Petrus de Beer) or "Oubaas" as he was nicknamed by our house keeper, Gladys.  Pieter use to fetch our mother regularly to braai together or share a variety of recepies, however, Ma Meisie passed away just a few days after her 88th birthday in April this year. Our mother was an expert cook who could dish up the most tasteful meals one could imagine.  We will publish some of her recepies.


Saturday, 11 May 2013


Beste Johann

Dankie vir jou respons. Ons klompie oud JBM Hertzog matriekulante van 1963 het ’n halfeeu reunie op 16 Maart 2013 in Centurion gehou. Die meeste van die alma mater bevind hulle of in Gauteng of in die Kaap. Die kapenaars se vliegtuig retoerkaartjie het hulle goedkoper as die oorblywende vrystaters se brandstofkoste ! Die kort en lang van die storie is dat die oud leerlinge nie bewus was dat die skool nou Bloemfontein High School heet nie. In der waarheid tred verloor met ontwikkelinge die afgelope vyftig jaar in Bloem ens.

Na ’n paar biere en gekuier dink hulle dit sou goed wees as daar iewers oor die historiese meriete van dieou naam kon verskyn. Gert Coetzee van Volksblad is reg as hy s”e dat dit nie meer nuuswaardig is nie (Vgl byvoorbeeld die verandering van die JBM Hertzog-lughawe se naam na Braam Fischer wat moontlik publikasie waarde sou kon h”e.) Ons begryp Gert se standpunt, maar versoek jou vriendelik of jy nie die skrywe oor Hertzog se naam iewers in historiese konteks kon gebruik / plaas nie?

Ons berus ons in jou besluit. Gedane sake het tog nie keer nie...water onder deur die brug.

Vriendelike groete,


PS: Die aanhegtings van die publikasies oor genl. Hertzog en die marmer hoeksteen wat sy seun Albert by die skool onthul het, dien bloot as betroubare bronne.


Na 'n halfeeu verneem oud leerlinge van die voormalige JBM Hertzog

Ho"rskool op hulle reunie te Centurion dat hulle ou skool se naam

sonder hulle medewete na Bloemfontein High School verander is. Mens

is mos trots op jou skool se naam en alles wat daarmee vereenselwig

word. Veral wanneer mens hierdie historiese naam van 'n bekende

voormalige Boere generaal en latere premier van die Unie van

Suid-Afrika in konteks lees met met ons land se gekiedenis . James

Barry Munnik Hertzog is in elk geval deels Engels en Duits. James Barry was

die engelse name wat hy van sy peetvader ontleen het en wat vernoem

was na die engelse verloskundige wat die eerste keisersnee in Suid

Afrika uitgevoer het. Barry was sy algemene noemnaam terwyl Munnik

deel is van sy voorouers se stamnaam uit Brunswyk, Duitsland. Barry

se oupa Dirk Willem was 'n skeepsagent wat op 'n seereis gedroom het

van skipbreukelinge op 'n eiland en die kaptein daarvan vertel het. Op

die roetekaart was daar wel 'n eiland wat die kaptein toe besoek het

en twee Britse skipbreukelinge, kapteins Perry en Harris gered het.

Uit dankbaarheid het hulle 'n egte silwer snuifhouer aan Dirk geskenk

wat deel van die familie se erfstukke op die Bergvliet landgoed geword


Nadat Barry sy BA graad aan die destydse Victoria kollege (nou UV

Stellenbosch) in die regte behaal het, verwerf hy sy doktorsgraad aan

'n Nederlandse universiteit te Amsterdam. Generaal JC Smuts en dr DF

Malan wat sy latere politieke kollegas in die parlement geword het,

was sy alma mater. Dr Barry Hertzog het sy loopbaan as advokaat in

Bloemfontein begin en waar hy later as "Regter" of "Judex" bekend

gestaan het.In die aanvang van die Anglo Boere Oorlog het hy 'n

assessor van die krygsraad geword maar homself mettertyd as

veggeneraal bewys. In die besonder het hy sy strategie op Carlye's

Life of Frederick the Great geskoei wat die guerilla vegtegniek teen

die Britse magte vervolmaak het. Vervolgens het generaal Hertzog ‘n

fenomenale rol gespeel in die heropbou van die Afrikaner se akademiese

ontwikkeling in die stryd om kulturele oorlewing teen die Britse

veroweraars.Hy het onder andere in die eerste Vrystaatse kabinet saam

met met dr A.E.W. Ramsbottom en Abraham Fischer en uiteindelik

prokureur -generaal en minister van onderwys geword.

As politikus en kultuurleier het Hertzog vir gelyke regte geveg en die leuse "Ons Eie Eerste" ( geskoei op die primus interpares beginsel van eerste onder gelykes) geformuleer. Die Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns is ook met fondse gestig wat vir een van sy sake vir taalregte deur Afrikaners ingesamel is. Die Akademie se eerste kantoor is te siene in die voormalige Bloemfonteinse Tegniese Kollege (nou Motheo) waaruit die latere Technikon van die OVS aanvanklik ontstaan het as ’n kollge vir gevorderde tegniese onderwys.

Ons eie eerste het ook JBM Hertzog Ho”rskool se leuse geword. Daarom is dit

hartseer dat die skool met die beroemde Suid Afrikaanse doktor,

advokaat, regter, generaal, minister van buitelandse sake en premier

se naam vervang is.


Dr KJ de Beer (Kallie)


Monday, 6 May 2013


My grand father, Karel Johannes de Beer's brother, Willem Petrus de Beer's grandson lives in Australia.  We will soon publish more3 information about his family history...He already commented on my remembrances of his father (Boet) in previous Blog publications.


Our Mother, Susanna Wilhelmina De Beer (néé PELSER) has passed away in her sleep on 23rd April 2013 at the age of 88years after a short sickness.  There is so much to write about one's mother...At this stage we are only reflecting on some aspects and events. However, will soon compile a family effort with relative photo's etc.  

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

kj de beer in

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Diwwie de Beer shows the 2011-award of the Genealogical Society of South Africa for his and Jalene de Beer's (co-worker) compiled research and published outputs re:  the de Beer family history.

Diwwie's DNS test of the University of Pretoria, tracks back to the Russian and Finland boarder. It could be derived that his ancestors lived next to the Ladoga Lake some thousand years ago.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Dear readers/ followers

Please see my heritage web site for latest pictures and researched information with regards to my family history.

Various followers / Facebook friends or e-mails reflect different roots of origin, such as Netherlands versus Belgium and Germany versus Wales etc.  Yes, point taken However, the doyan  of researchers on our South African de Beer's family history, Diwwie de Beer, from Centurion, Pretoria, also agrre that the specific roots back to Holland or Germany may be uncertain. Subsequently hits of the My Heritage Website come up with multiple variables.

As far as my personal line is concerned, the University of Pretoria's research on Afrikaner DNA's, indicates that I have ancestors in the Southern parts of Russia and Northern Germany.  Obviously the forefathers migrated down to Belgium, most probably LAND VAN WAAS, in VLAANDERE. The ship building and maritime industry of Holland attracted many workers all over Europe as far as Russia in those years. (Cf. Dutch words in Russian for the respective part of a ship).  The first De Beer who landed via a Netherland vessel in the Cape of Good Hope, was in the first instance a skilled woodworker.  He started of with wagon building, however, also as a soldier and cum farmer in Drakensville during the government headed by Van der Stel.

The farm got too small for the family and eventually moved alongside the coastal region to Mosselbay where the Portuguese discoverers like Bartholomew Dias, have landed before. The de Beer's then found their way through the Swartberge near Oudshoorn to the other side of the mountain and started Qeeekvallei in the Klein Karoo. This establishment was renamed after Prince Albert, during the British colonial period. My specific forefathers first moved further on to Colesburg and Graaf Reinette whers some graves could be found. One part of the family trekked to Kimberley while the other settled in Fautresmith,. Eventuall my great great grand father settled on a farm INHOEK where he was later buried alongside the graves of his first and second wives. German references on the tombstones suggest that they might have spoken a lower form of German which was eventually also part of Dutch.  (Europe's regional boarders in the previous millenium were not fixed as well as the migrant patterns which was constantly in flux.

The little town, Petrusburg, was started on part of the de Beer's farm.  The graves of my grandfather( Karel Johannes de Beer) and his father (Barend Petrus de Beer) are prominent in the Petrusburg graveyard where a few graves of British soldier of the Anglo Boer War 1899-1902 could also be found. Some other de Beer are also buried on their former farm, DRIE HOEK, next to Voigtpos on route to Kimberley.   

Barend Petrus de Beer, a cousin (nephew) of my grat grand father, was baptized in the first Seventh Day Adventist Churh in Africa, Kimberley (Beaconsfield). His name and the names of other de Beers who were founder members of the Seventh Adventist Church along with the Wessels family who donated the church yard. These de Beer's are the original owners of the farms where diamonds were found and who sold it to Cecil John Rhodes who established the well known DEBEERS DIAMOND industry.  (For detailed information, please go to previous publications with photographs in

Saturday, 9 March 2013