Thursday 18 March 2010


Christa and I at the beautiful Lake Loise in the Rockies national park during the summer of 2009. This lake gets its pristine water from the glacier in the back ground. We experienced a very relaxed atmosphere, however, the weather changed several times during the day. As South Africans living in Bloemfontein in the Free State which has specific seasons --dry and hot sunny summers, soft autumns, short brisk frosty winters (without snow most of the time) and a short introduction to spring, the weather pattern in Beautiful British Columbia (BBC) was very interesting. That is, never a dull or a sure moment. After our camera session next to the lake, we went up with a hiking trial several thousands of meters up the mountain to view the lake from above. In the little wooden tea cabin high up in the mountain, we enjoyed original Rooibos tea. All the way from South Africa ! Down hill we met two Afrikaans speaking couples who are living in Canada. Subsequently we experienced the new globalized South Africa...

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