Saturday 11 December 2010


My last seventy working days are about to commence at the Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT). As the Holy Bible states, there is a time for everything under the sun. I suppose also a time to come and a time to go. My friends are all asking me what am I going to do to keep myself busy with? Fortunately, I am a researcher and already have small academic assignments to keep my mind on the "ongoing" instead of the "ceasing" in a cul de sac. In England, the British Government decided to do away with the traditional 65 years of age concept. Also in France, 60 was raised to 63. Yes, for socioeconomic and well fare reasons, however, it also forces "old timers" to think new about their own values and talents that could still be worth their while as that of the society at large.

Subsequently, I advertised my academic research skills on my Face book as well as submitting my curriculum vitae to relevant institutions. To my surprise, I already got a bite or two in the huge dam of academic waters ! I hope to share my experiences very soon after my final date for pension at the CUT.